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4-Week Zoom Series: Sun Salutations with a Twist

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Sun Salutations with a Twist

Are you are seeking a short & sweet post-work yoga practice? Join me Wednesdays: May 5, 12, 19 & 26 5-5:45 pm PST for an exploration that transitions you from afternoon to evening.

In these 45-minute sessions, you will begin standing and build efficiently, layer by layer, to dynamic sun salutations. The arc of practice will invoke attention as the preparation for intention and may start to invite ceremony into your transition from day to evening (as inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer in Braiding Sweetgrass).

After you complete the 45-minute practice, you will sign off Zoom and continue with a 5-15 minute practice that focuses your attention on softening your senses into greater awareness of the small things in your life. These practices are simple and invite you to notice the seasonal shifts outside your front or back door, the sounds of your home and neighborhood, and the textures and tastes of what your hands hold.

You are encouraged to attend all four sessions, if you have to miss a session unexpectedly, you may email me to request a recording that will be available for one week.

Sliding scale pricing from $45-$80 available for this series. (Click here for more info on my sliding scale philosophy.) If you have a current 4-pass or 8-pass, you may use it to register for these classes. These classes are not available as drop-ins.